(continued from Booking Contacts)


When this menu item is chosen, a screen displays with two tabs in it:

  1. Message History
  2. Queue Entries

Message History

Message history is the default view tab on entry to the screen.

Screen Shot 135: Message Queue - Message History Tab

A list of column headings available in this screen is under the heading Message History.

Messages will only display in the message history if, when the message template has been defined, it has been set up has having ‘Full’, ‘Text’, or ‘Date/Time’ history to be kept. Regardless of the kept history type, all kept messages display in this screen as a single line.

‘Full’ history messages can be viewed by double clicking the line and the message will open. Only messages that have a history flag of ‘Full’ can be resent, provided the message template has been set to allow resending.

‘Text’ history messages – when double clicked – will open the message in text format only – any graphics (logos, pictures etc.) will be stripped out.

‘Date/Time’ history will display the basic line as above only. The message detail is not kept.


Screen Shot 136: Filter Messages Button

The Button next to ‘Message History’ can be used to filter messages kept in history. Filter fields include:

Queue Entries

Screen Shot 137: Message/Queue - Queue Entries Tab

A list of column headings available in this screen is shown under the heading Message History/Queue Entries Scroll. The Queue Entries Screen will display Queue messages that have been Sent and Received for the Booking. Double clicking an entry will open it. The sending/receiving and handling of Message Queues are covered in the System Setup Training Guide.

(continued in Appendix: Scroll Column Headings)